Mourning the Loss of a Great Man

With great sadness we mark the passing of Ron Dennis, DT’s Project Coordinator for the past 12 years. Ron’s sudden death on 20th September only days after a diagnosis of cancer and a short stay in hospital was a shock to all who knew him.

Throughout his life, Ron was a hard-working and honourable man. He never retired as he enjoyed the work that he did and also wanted to provide for his family. His 60 year working career started with degrees at Nottingham University, working in engine design. He then moved to the West Indies followed by Australia, taking up faculty positions. He returned to the UK to work with charity, IT Transport. In the last 12 years, he taught and inspired students at Imperial College London and City University as part of work associated with Developing Technologies. This work ranged from low cost vehicles to smoke free cook stoves that generated electricity.

Ron made a number of visits to Africa with a special concern for emergency transport in rural areas. As finance became very difficult at DT, Ron continued to work on a partly voluntary basis putting his commitment to helping others less fortunate above all else. With Ron’s amazing design work, he has helped save many lives and his family, friends and colleagues will always remember the fantastic, caring work that he did. As a highly skilled and gifted engineer, Ron worked long and hard to design engineering artefacts for some of the poorest in developing countries. He will be greatly missed.

Half Runners Rally Support for DT

On the morning of the last Sunday in September, five brave souls strapped on their running shoes and green DT t-shirts, and took to the road in the Ealing Half Marathon.

Even better, they all finished the gruelling 13+ mile course – some maintaining a vigorous stride while at least one staggered across the line and collapsed in a heap. But all were smiling and had a race medal to show for their efforts. We were most impressed!

Best of all, many friends and family members generously sponsored them. The team, called the Half Runners, had a goal to raise £1,200 for DT and at this writing the total, including Gift Aid, is approaching £1,700 with more donations still arriving.

The good news is, “it’s never too late to donate” and you can join the many others in helping DT’s projects reach their full potential by giving a little something here.

Update on Projects

Click here for brief updates on some of DT’s projects that are in a more advanced stage.

Motorcycle Ambulance Trailer – Construction Manual

We have produced a workshop manual with detailed instructions and drawings showing how to construct the motorcycle ambulance trailer

If you would be interested in a copy of this, please email us at with your details.